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beautiful scandinavian girl names

We love these cute Scandi names for girls #scandi #inspiration #parentstobe  #parenting #meandbuddy #nordic #… | Viking baby names, Baby name list, Baby  girl names
We love these cute Scandi names for girls #scandi #inspiration #parentstobe #parenting #meandbuddy #nordic #… | Viking baby names, Baby name list, Baby girl names
Everything you need to know about traveling in Scandinavia. Scandinavian names: 35 female Scandinavian names Each region of the world comes with its own collection of popular names for girls. In the UK, during 2019, Olivia and Oliver were the most popular names. In China, the most popular name was Zhang Wei for men and Wang Fang for girls. Scandinavia, a place better known to and happy people, is also responsible for some of the most popular names in Europe. Today, we will present some of the best names of Scandinavian girls, what they mean, and how they can pronounce them. This is the guide for you if you recently met someone from Denmark and want to know what his name is. You can even use this list of female Scandinavian names as inspiration if you are looking for ideas for a new family arrival. Let's start. The best girls Scandinavian names eval(ez_write_tag([728,90],'scandification_com-box-3','ezslot_5',113,'0','0']); Most Scandinavian names have a unique use of vowels and different spellings that make them look as beautiful on paper as they sound. There are plenty of romantic and traditional sound titles to choose if you like Scandi's landscape. Here are some of our favorites:1. Freyja (Pronounced: Fray-ah)Freyja is the name of a known for beauty, fertility and love. Alternatively, "Freya" is written, this Scandinavian girl name is popular throughout the United States and the United Kingdom as well. Freyja is a popular name throughout the Scandi region thanks to its romantic background and its connection to the history of the Scandi landscape. 2. Tuva (Pronunciated: Too-vah)Tuva is a Norwegian and Swedish name, and a variation of "Tove". The name literally means beautiful, so it's an excellent choice for any girl. The title also has some connections with the old name of Thor Norse for children. Like his cousin, Tove, Tuva is a name that is not known elsewhere in the world. Unless you're from a Nordic region, there's a good chance that this name will be new to you. 3. Annika (Pronounced: Anne-ick-ah)eval(ez_write_tag([580,400],'scandification_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',116,'0','0']);Annika is a Swedish origin name, with a variety of spelling options including Annica, and Anika. This name means grace, which makes it a simple and beautiful choice for any girl. This "Anne" gift version adds something a little special to a name that has become quite popular and overused in all the United States and the United Kingdom. 4. Kajsa (Pronounced: Kie-sah)Kajsa is a Swedish version of the name Katherine, which means pure and caste. This name is also noticeably similar to Katie's name in the United States. Scandinavian female names frequently use the letter J in the middle of the name to soften a sound. There is an exotic quality in this title, despite its soft meaning. 5. Laila (Pronunciado: Lie-lah)Laila or Lajla is a Finnish name, which means "holy". The name has a beautiful music, and he in Scandinavia often uses this name as an alternative to Helga. There is also a spelled Arabic version Layla, which means "night". Lei is a common nickname in Scandinavia, and you may listen to this quite often while traveling through Finland. 6. Dahlia (Pronunciated: Dah-leeyah)Dahlia is one of the most popular Scandinavian girls' names, and something I have probably heard around the world as well. This name comes from the flower of his name. The title has an interesting story, like many of Scandinavia. The flower itself is named by the Swedish botanist, Anders Dahl, and the name Dahlia in Victorian language denotes dignity and elegance. Lia is a common nickname for girls called Dahlia. eval(ez_write_tag([300,250],'scandification_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',129,'0'','0']));7 (Pronunciado: Mee-yah)Mia is a short version of the name "Mariah" that came from the Hebrew name, However, Scandinavian girls use this title as a shorter version of everything from Emilia, to Miriam as well. Mia means the goddess or queen of the ocean, and in some regions, it also refers to the guardian of justice. Definitely a good name for a powerful woman. 8. Ulla (Pronounced: Ooh-lah) Probably one of the most lyric names of Scandinavian girls on this list, Ulla has a connection both with One and Lulu. The name comes from Nordic and Scandinavian origins and is translated into "determination" or "voluntad". If you've ever seen the film "The Producers", you'll be familiar with this title of the character of Uma Thurman. Ula is a popular alternative spelling. 9. Elsa (Pronunciado El-sah)eval(ez_write_tag([300,250],'scandification_com-box-4','ezslot_7',130,'0','0']));Probably the best known name of the Scandinavian girl around now, this name is everywhere in the UK and the United States thanks to the movie Frozen Disney. This was Sweden's most popular name in 2014, and often gains a higher point in the hearts of many Scandinavians. The name Elsa means consecrated to God in . You could also choose Else if you prefer something a little different. 10. Viveca (Pronunciado: Vee-vuh-kah) This is another Swedish name that is extremely popular among the names of Scandinavian girls. Viveca is a strong title that surely reminds any of an Amazonian warrior. The beautiful name means "living" or "life", which is fantastic for anyone who wants a vibrant name. Once again, this poetic title is very attractive in Scandinavia, but it has not reached many places in the United States and the United Kingdom yet. 11. Anneli (Pronounced: An-ah-lee)eval(ez_write_tag([300,250],'scandification_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',131,'0','0']); A twist on another Swedish name, Annalise, Anneli is a sweet Scandinavian girl that means "thank you." If you want an alternative to the most boring name of "Ann", then Anneli is a good choice. This option is starting to win some popularity in the United States lately, but it is less popular in other regions of the world. 12. Sanna (Pronunciated: San-nah)Sanna is a name that comes from more. This Scandinavian name is bold and powerful, although it actually means "lily". If you're looking for a Scandi alternative to better-known titles like Anna or Hannah, but you want a similar sound, this could be. Sanna is also one of the Scandi names that is quite easy to spell. 13. Linnea (Pronunciated: Lin-nee-yah)Linnea is a Swedish name of origin, perfect for those who want to take advantage of the beauty of Scandinavian female names. The title means lemon tree or twin sunflower, and comes with a lot of history. The name comes from a Swedish botanist named Carl Linnaeus, originally, who was responsible for creating the system we used to classify animals and plants. eval(ez_write_tag([300,250],'scandification_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',132,'0','0']);Especially this name has not yet gained much of the United Kingdom or 14. Kai (Pronunciated: Keye) Kai is fundamentally one, but also has connections to about five more languages. Depending on where you are in the world, the meaning of the name changes. For example, in the Scandinavian region, Kai means "land." The subtle and simple nature of this name means that it works well for a child or girl, but it is more commonly associated with Scandinavian girls. 15. Ronja (Pronounced: Ron-sha) Ronja is a unique name of Scandinavian girls with a convincing sound. If you hear this name in Germany, you can be pronounced "Ronya", instead. The name comes from the Hebrew title Ronia, and means "the joyful song of God." This is still a relatively rare name in most parts of the world outside Scandinavia, so it is safe to take your attention. 16. Jytte (Pronunciated: Yit) It does not become much more Scandinavian than this. Jytte is a special female name Scandi with an interesting background. The name is really a shot in the best-known name, Judith, and it means "Women of Judea". Jytte has an interesting sound and looks very good on paper, but you may have problems for people to delecate it correctly. 17. Karina (Pronunciated: Kar-eena)Karina is a sweet sonar name, and an alternative to the best known Karen. If you were a Bob Dylan fan, then you're probably already familiar with this name. Karina means dear or "very dear" in Latin, and also means "Pure" in Greek. This is a fantastic name of Scandinavian girl with great global potential. 18. Ingrid (Pronunciado: In-grid)Ingrid is a name that probably associates with Scandinavia already. It actually comes from an old man, which is a shortened form of Ingfrior, which means beautiful and loved in German. It may sound a bit hard rolling the tongue, but this name is actually a very popular Scandi title, and one that is very easy to spell. 19. Suren (Soo-ren)Suren, or Soren is a Scandinavian name that means strong or heroic in Latin, or Lilac in Scandinavian. In some parts of the world, it is more common to hear the name "Soren" pronounced "So-ren" as a child's name. However, Scandinavian girls are more likely to have this name in the , thanks to their connotations with the beautiful flower and the female color. 20. Nora (Pronunciado: Nor-ah)Nora is a name that most people in the world already know, thanks to artists like Nora Jones. This name comes from "Honora", which is an Anglo-Norman name. eval(ez_write_tag([250,250],'scandification_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',134,'0','0']);It is a very popular title in Scandinavia, and means "with honor or meaning." Some people also connect Nora to Ireland. 21. Agneta (Pronunciado: Ag-nee-ta)Agneta, otherwise spelled Agnetha, is a lyric and Scandinavian version of the name Agnes. The name has connotations with virginity and purity, and like Agnes, it is an extremely popular name in Sweden and Denmark. This title has a unique hard sound at the end, which appeals to those who like the concept of Agnes, but with a twist. Scandinavian girls called Agneta usually use the nickname Aggie or Neta. 22. Greta (Pronounced: Gret-ah)Another of the most popular Scandinavian girls, Greta is German of origin, and also has a lot of influence in Scandinavia. This title can also be spelled as "Gretta" in some parts of Norway and Sweden, and sometimes it looks like a tiny form of Margaret or Margaretta. This name is increasingly popular lately, thanks to the incredible environmental activist Greta Thunberg. 23. Malin (Pronunciated: Mah-lin) In other parts of the world, the name "Malin" might seem masculine. However, in regions such as Sweden and Norway, this title is linked to the Scandinavian name Magdalene — another popular name for girls. The name is simple and exotic, with many girls who use it throughout the Nordic region. The name basically means "high tower", which is often why many connect it with fairy tales and princess stories. 24. Astrid (Pronunciado Ast-rid)Astrid is a name that comes directly from Norway, based on an adaptation of an old and hard word Norse which means "God beautiful". Although some people find the name "Astrid" to be a bit hard to sound initially, the title is actually a fantastic celebration of femininity. What girl wouldn't want a name that means "divinely beautiful"? The biggest drawback with this name is that it is quite difficult to find a nickname for him. 25. Mari (Pronunciada Ma-ree)Mari is a Scandinavian girl name based on the best known seer of Marie, or Maria. This female name has several homes in Japan, Wales, Finland, Hungary and Norway. The title sounds beautiful and looks great when it is also written. eval(ez_write_tag([250,250],'scandification_com-leader-2','ezslot_13',137,'0','0']); Most people associate "Mari" with words like calm and love. If you are looking for a Scandi twist in a more traditional look name, then Mari could be just the option for you. 26. Queron (Pronounced Ka-ren) We can almost guarantee that this is a version of Karen you haven't seen before. Almost senseless in most of the world, or Katherine, and it means "pure." This unique name is one of the most striking of our list when it is written, although it sounds quite simple when spoken. Many people in Scandinavia believe that the addition of Qu at the beginning of the name gives it a more regio element. 27. Soley (Pronounced: Soh-lay)Soley is a name that can be expected to appear more often in sunny regions of the world like Spain and Mexico. However, it really has some origins in the Icelandic region! There is a yellow flower in Iceland with the same name, which is probably from where this title originally came from. The sound of this fantastic name is lyric and soft, and has links with terms like "sunshine" and "buttercup". 28. Hanne (Pronounced: Jane)Look at this name of Scandinavian girls written, and you probably think it's a version of the name "Hannah". However, the female name Hanne actually, or Johanna, which has origins in Germany, Denmark, Norway, and even the Netherlands. This is a very popular title around Scandinavia and a fun alternative to the standard "Jane" name. Curiously, you can use Hanne's name for girls and boys. 29. Odda (Pronunciated: Odd-ah)Sure, this Scandinavian female name could be seen a little "odd" at first (see what we did there), but it is really very popular and well known in everything. The name comes from Norway, and has an incredibly unique meaning. Although it is difficult to give an exact translation of Odda, it basically describes a person who is perfect or complete in every aspect. We bet this is a title that won't be able to get out of his head. 30. Brigitta (Pronounced Bridge-ett-ah) If you like the name Bridgette, then you will love the name Brigitta. The title comes to you from Sweden, and it means "fortress" or "exalada person". Although the little best-known Bridget has gained a lot of popularity around the world over the years, Brigitta remains more common in the Scandinavian region. If you're looking for a name that transmits strength, but you don't want something too aggressive," Brigitta could be the perfect choice. 31. Brigitta (Pronounced Bridge-ett-ah) If you like the name Bridgette, then you will love the name Brigitta. The title comes to you from Sweden, and means "fortalty" or "exalada person". eval(ez_write_tag([300,250],'scandification_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',139,'0','0']); although the little more known Bridget has gained much popularity throughout the world during the years, it is still more common. If you're looking for a name that transmits strength, but you don't want something too aggressive," Brigitta could be the perfect choice. 32. Vilde (Pronunciated: Vil-dee) It really doesn't get much more Scandinavian than this. Vilde is a name with Nordic origin, which literally translates into "the Elf battle." If you're a fan of things like Ring Lords, and you love how to remember fairytale battles and other worlds, then you're going to be a big fan of Vilde. This name has a really unique sound that is playful and fun too. You have a warrior princess mixed with something cute. 33. Uzma (Pronunciated: Oohs-ma) Uzma has a history in Arabic and Nordic. It basically translates into "light and supreme" or simply "the greatest." If you know someone called Uzma in Scandinavia, you may find that they are extremely modest or a little bit of a show-off. Either way, her short but shocking name of the Scandinavian girl is safe to make you remember them. 34. Smilla (Pronounced: Smee-lah)Smilla is a name with origins in Norway and Denmark. It has a unique pronunciation that you may not expect to see that it is written. This popular Scandinavian name basically means "a person who has a beautiful smile". eval(ez_write_tag([300,250],'scandification_com-leader-3','ezslot_14',140,'0','0']); Some Danish people also use it to refer to someone who always brings a smile to your face. Either way, it is a happy name and one we love absolutely! 35. Carianne (Pronounced: Carry-anne) Another excellent example of beautiful names of Scandinavian girls, Carianne is similar in style to Catherine and Kara. It means pure and chaste, or "a pure woman", and has origins in the Nordic region. If you are looking for a name that is similar in Catherine's sound, but you have something a little smoother, this could be the title you've been looking for. 36. Danique (Pronunciated: Dah-kneek)Danique is a striking name with origins in Denmark and the Netherlands. Most people use this Nordic title as an alternative to the best-known name Danielle. The q in the middle of the name gives it something special, while the meaning is quite impressive too. Danique comes from the term "star" or "star of tomorrow". Trends in Scandinavian female names Some of the most popular names of Scandinavian girls to come, Sweden, Norway and Finland are already quite popular around the world. The chances are you know some people called Andrea, or Liv. Since Frozen's arrival, the film is probably quite familiar with names like Elsa as well. eval(ez_write_tag([300,250],'scandification_com-leader-4','ezslot_15',141,'0''''']) In Denmark, the most popular Scandinavian girls' names in 2020 are:In Finland, the most popular Scandinavian girls' names in 2020 are:In Sweden, the most popular Scandinavian girls' names in 2020 are: In Iceland, the most popular names of Scandinavian girls in 2020 are: The best Scandinavian girls' names are: Hopefully, this list of Scandinavian names for girls has given you a vision of some of the amazing female names coming from Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. We have even released some names of Scandinavian girls with Icelandic and German origin for an extra measure too! Scandinavian girls have some of the most beautiful names in the world, with titles that sound as well out loud as they have written. Each year, new options enter the mixture, so make sure you keep an eye on what is trending. Take a look at Scanning for more information about Scandinavia. Scanning: Discovering Scandinavia. Latest ArticlesNewsletter I consent and . About ScandificationScandification explores and celebrates the magic of Scandinavia. Stay tuned and we will bring you the essence of Scandinavia. Scanning is a participant in the Amazon Service LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn advertising fees by linking and affiliate websites. Brands HighlightsRecent articlesScandification explores and celebrates the magic of Scandinavia. Stay tuned and we will bring you the essence of Scandinavia. Advertising requests Scanning explores and celebrates the magic of Scandinavia. To advertise your brand to a global audience, contact our advertising team below. Subscribe now I consent and . I consent and .

www.babygaga.com BabyGaga.com Something newMore25 Scandinavian Names that make a girl instant beauty"From the traditional and romantic to the modern these names run the gambit and show that Scandinavia really offers all kinds of names. "The Scandinavia region is one of the most interesting areas in the world. In Northern Europe there are three main countries considered to be part of the region and four other countries that are sometimes considered part of it, depending on who is asked to. The main countries are Denmark, and . With optional additions from Finland, Iceland, Faroe Islands and Aland Islands. The languages of Scandinavia are those of the countries that are included in the region such as Swedish, Norwegian and Danish. The region has some of the most beautiful mountains and the Northern Lights in Norway. Between Norway and Finland, Sweden is one of the most stable lands in the world with a temperate climate and a rich history. These countries offer some of the most interesting names, whether in sound or spelling. If Mom is looking for name variations that offer a spin on the classic names used to look no more than Scandinavian variations on this list. From the traditional and romantic to the modern and agile the names of this list run the gambit and show that Scandinavia really offers all kinds of names that a mother might want. 25 FreyjaFreyja is a name that has a Nordic origin. This origin is because it is the name of a Nordic goddess. The goddess of love, beauty and fertility, Freya is a major goddess in the Nordic mythology. Freyja's name is written alternatively Freya and is that alternative spelling usually associated with the goddess. The name Freyja has had a significant popularity in the UK and the United States has recognized the beauty of the name, as well as the name reaching the 1000 main names and even entering the first 300. Nameberry points out that the Freyja can be used as a modernized version of Frieda. There are two variations of spelling, Freya and Freyja. There are no notable names for the name, though. The name is unique in spelling and sound there is nothing more with modern popularity that sounds quite like the beautiful Freyja.24 Laila A beautiful name that has an origin in Finland, the name Laila means, "holy". The name Laila has a lyric sound and calls for a beauty image. The people of Scandinavia use this name as a variation of Helga. There is also an Arabic spelling, Layla which means, "night". The name Laila has become popular in the United States and has acquired increasing use probably due to the beautiful sound and easy to spell. The name offers some options like Layla mentioned above and Leila. The name offers the nickname of Lei. Famous Boxer Muhammad Ali named his daughter Laila as the actor Shawn Wayans, known by White Chicks (2004) and Scary Movie (2000). This sweet lyric Sami name will bring beauty every time you speak and is perfect for your little angel. 23 Annika The name Annika is also a diminutive. In this case, the name is Anna's tiny Swedish. The name Annika means, "thank you", a beautiful, simple and charming meaning. This name is a beautiful real choice for anyone who likes the name Ann but is looking to make it a bit more elegant. The name Annika has gained popularity over the years in the United States making its way to the 1000 highest names in the United States. This popularity may be partly due to the Trekkies who fell in love with the name in "Star Trek: Voyager" where the character, Annika was played by Katelin Petersen. This strong and beautiful name brings fire and sass wherever you go and is the perfect name for your little princess. 22 Else Else is the Scandinavian variation of the extremely popular Elsa and also a variation in Ilsa. Scandinavian variation derives its meaning from Elsa, which means "promised to God." After the movie Frozen the name Elsa has continued to grow in popularity in the United States, however, Else has escaped from that. Else is sweet and simple with the lyric sound that is unmistakably beautiful. The name allows individuality as it has not won the immense popularity that Elsa has, but preserves beauty. The name does not offer much versatility in the spelling however offers the nickname Ellie.21 Linnea The name Linnea is simple, soft and Swedish. This Swedish name has a meaning of, "twinflower", or "lime tree". This may be a flower name, but it comes with a little history too. According to Nameberry, the name comes from Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus, which is accredited with the development of the plant and animal classification system. Although the name has found extreme popularity in Scandinavia, it has not seen that in the United States yet. He's done the best 1000 but he hasn't broken in the first 500. This name offers versatility like Lynnea and nicknames like Lynne or Nea. This is a beautiful name with a soft sound that is perfect for any science-loving flower or mother.20 DahliaScandinavian in origin the name Dahlia is based on the flower of its nameake. With a pronouncement of DAY-lee-a, this beautiful floral name is sure to bring beauty pictures to any girl who is bestowed on her. This name has an interesting story. According to Nameberry, the flower was named in honor of the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl. Nameberry also points out that in the Victorian language Dahlia denotes elegance and dignity. This beautiful melodious name has history and strength with its beauty and even offers the nickname of Lia for those interested in nickname options, although that is where versatility ends. 19 ElineEline is a Scandinavian variation of the Dutch name Eliane which is, in turn, a variation of Adelaide. Eline is based on Eliane what it means, "bright light", therefore can be attributed the same or similar meaning. Eline's name has made waves at the centre of attention, although especially abroad. Eline Eriksen is the model on which the famous statue of Little Mermaid is based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Eline Flipse is a Dutch filmmaker and Eline Jongsma is a Dutch film director. Eline Schmidt Heger is a Danish actress and ballet dancer and Eline Van Der Velden a Dutch comedy and actress. There are many examples of women who bear this beautiful name. There is also a novel by Louis Couperus entitled Eline Vere. While Eliane has gained popularity in the United States, Eline as an orthography has not. This Scandinavian version offers a unique spelling in a classic and elegant name that is sure to make your baby girl not only an instant beauty but an elegant and elegant lady. 18 VivecaViveca is a beautiful name with a strong sound and the feminine beloved - an end. A Scandinavian name with a teutonic background that of German origin, Viveca surpasses the hard Vs and Cs in it and becomes an almost poetic name. This beautiful sound name has an even more beautiful meaning, "living, life, place of refuge". Live or life on your own are beautiful meanings that are fantastic desires for any baby but "place of refuge" is a particularly special meaning in a name. The name has not reached a sufficiently high level of popularity in the United States to reach the 1000 best graphics. 17 Maja The Scandinavian version of the extremely popular Maya the name Maja offers a unique twist often unused in the United States. He pronounced the same as Maya the name Maja simply swaps was the and for the j. It can also be pronounced ma-zha or ma-ha, as well as for possible variations. The name Maja has a fantastic meaning, which means "splendid". Maya can become more popular with her recent use in shows like "Girl Meets World", with the Maya Hart character, played by Sabrina Carpenter, and this name would be the perfect turn in the classic name to give some originality to her splendid little charm. 16 Kai The name Kai is special for many reasons, the larger being that has origins in at least five languages and each has its own meaning. For this list, we will focus on the Scandinavian origin of the name. The Scandinavian Kai means "land." A simple meaning, which is easy to understand but maintain such power and extreme strength. We all have a connection to the earth is our home so this simple name represents so much. The name Kai can be for a child or a girl but we believe there is something exceptionally beautiful in the natural meaning and brief simple sound of this name. 15 LivThis name breaks with traditional concepts of beauty queens and we love it for that reason and much more. The name Liv is strong and bold, which makes it different from the names of beautiful-ella typically associated with beauty. Liv has a Nordic origin and as the look of the name suggests that it means, "life." The name has gained popularity in the United States currently ranking on the 600s low at the top 1000 names. Notable mention goes to The use of the name as a famous baby name being chosen by Julianne Moore for his daughter and, of course, the famous daughter Aerosmith Liv Tyler. Fierce and daring the name Liv breaks from the traditional image of what name the beauty of the maintenance must be and yet this small name is one with a poetic power all its own. 14 JanicaJanica is a variation in the hardest look Jannik, although both are Scandinavian of origin. Janica means, "God is kind." This beautiful, bold name is the perfect alternative to more timid names like Jan or Janet. Nameberry lists it as, "have the greatest potential of all Jan's names." The name offers the traditional Jan nickname or if you feel creative you can opt for something on the Nica lines as a nickname. As for versatility, the name offers the classic i-y swap that gives Janyca instead of Janica for a more modern twist. Whatever the way you do this unique name with its crisp sound is sure your little one will stand out in a crowd. 13 RonjaRonja is a name with a unique sound to Scandinavian culture. The name has a meaning similar to the others who will find themselves on the list with a religious tone to him, "the joyful song of God." The name is the Scandinavian form of a Hebrew name, Ronia. Although this is a beautiful and friendly name that has not gained popularity in the United States. The beautiful name is strong and stoic, but it does not have that romantic and lyric sound that is so popular in the United States with names like Isabella and Elsa. While there is hope of massive popularity for this name there is something to say about its rarity. The singularity is part of what makes this name so magical and perfect for your little miracle. 12 TuvaWith this name, beauty is truly in meaning. Tuva is a Swedish and Norwegian variation in the name Tove which means, well, "beautiful." The name has connections with Thor's old Norse name but is a more modern version. While Tuva has won popularity in Scandinavia he has not won notice in the United States. Like his cousins names of Tove and Thor, Tuva has remained relatively unknown in America. With the trend towards more modern and sometimes simpler names, however, Tuva can see a shot. This sweet and simple name is safe to make your beautiful baby feel like a Scandinavian charm.11 Kajsa Kajsa is a diminutive Swedish Katherine that means, "Chaste", or "pure." The name Kajsa is similar to the extremely popular name Katie or Katey in the United States. The name Kajsa is an example of the Scandinavian use of the letter J in the middle of a name instead of the letters most used as T in this case. While the name Kajsa seems to intimidate the name is not as frightening as it seems. The beautiful name is pronounced KIE-sah and has an exotic, ferocious, sass that is exactly the opposite of what its meaning implies. This name is perfect for those with a Katherine in the family who are looking to honor but want to make sure your child has his own identity. 10 Ulla This is for those parents who like names like Lulu and One. The name Ulla is pronounced OO-lah. The name has a Scandinavian, Nordic or German origin and means "voluntad", or "determination". The Ulla name is probably the best known in Hollywood of "The Producers." In the Ulla movie, the character is played by Uma Thurman. If you are looking for something a little more Ulla can be a nickname for Ursula or Ulrika. The name Ulla does not offer much variation apart from Ula as an alternative spelling. For much one of the strongest meanings and one that someone would like to bestow on his daughter, Ulla is perfect for his little warrior princess.9 Anneli Scandinavian variation in the Annalise too popular, Anneli is a beautiful sweet and sunny choice for those interested in Ann family names. Being a variation in Annalise the name Anneli has a meaning of "thank you". While the name Annalise has gained a wide popularity that makes it the top 500 in the United States, the name Anneli is not well known. The name Anneli is unique, special and sweet, while it remains simple and having that melodious sound that is so loved. Anneli's name does not offer much versatility in the form of spelling variation. However, the name offers the nickname Anne or Li. This is a sweet little name for your beautiful little angel.8 Sanna is Susanna's strongest cousin. This Scandinavian diminutive is bold and crispy. The perfect way to honor someone who names Susanna without having to use the same name or risk the nickname Suzy. Sanna has the meaning of "lily." The name Sanna is a great choice for a name other than Hannah or Anna that has a similar sound but has not yet won mass popularity in the United States. However, relatively unknown Sanna has not reached the list of names of the top 1000. Sanna is exotic but similar to the names that have grown extremely popular. This name is easy to say and spell and has a sweet meaning. Anna nickname is available however little versatility is available.7 JytteUnlike any other popular name in the United States today Jytte is special for some reasons. The first is that it combines a modern style of spelling with a beautiful sound. The second is that it is a Scandinavian variation in an extremely well-known and frankly boring name, Judith. Being a variation in Judith, the name Jytte means, "women of Judea", which comes from the Hebrew roots and its use as a location name. Despite this relatively boring meaning the name Judith has preserved popularity and has a place in the 1000 main names. Not Jytte. Jytte is like Judith's most interesting cousin. With a more attractive and intriguing spelling, Jytte is the perfect modern touch in a traditional name, especially if there is a Judith in her life that she would like to honor.6 SurenSuren is the Scandinavian version of Lilac. Lilac is English in origin but comes from a Persian origin and its meaning is the flower and the color. As Suren is the Scandinavian version of the name that has the same meaning of the flower or the color. The name Lilac and the name Suren have not won much favor in the United States. The Suren name has a much smoother and ferocious sound that makes it the best of both worlds. Having a beautiful soft meaning and strong sound that the name has everything to offer. Bringing to mind images of such a beautiful flower and color cannot help but impart beauty when spoken. The Suren name is safe to make your small flower and instant beauty.5 Agneta The most elegant and lyric version of the name Agnes. Agneta has a Scandinavian origin and as the first name of Agnes the name Agneta shares its meaning of, "puro", or "virginal". Neither Agneta nor his cousin have won enough popularity in the United States to have a stop at the 1000 higher names today. The name Agneta has a beautiful sound that lacks its prime name and is hard to find in other names in the United States. Agneta offers the nicknames Aggie or Neta. However, there is little variation of spelling possible for this name. Despite the delicate meaning, this beautiful name is a fantastic and elegant choice for your beautiful baby girl.4 Malin "High tower", or "Watch Woman". The name of Malin is the tiny Scandinavian of Magdalene and offers a short and beautiful name for any princess- just don't lock them in a tall tower. The name Malin has not yet reached a significant popularity in the United States, although it is very similar in Scandinavia. Nameberry describes the name as being both simple and exotic. This name is soft and sweet with the popular ending -lin and we believe it has the potential to be extremely popular. With the potential nicknames of Mal and Lyn and the variation of Malyn or Malynn spelling the name is perfect for personalization.3 Queron Almost without listening to the name Queron in the United States is Karen's Scandinavian variation. Karen is also a variation in Katherine that gives this name a meaning similar to others on the "pure" list. The name Queron may have similar meaning and origin as other names on the list, but it has a style and elegance unlike any other. The name is real in a sense giving the feeling of being in reference to a Queen. This rare and beautiful gem of a name is perfect for your little princess as she grows in a beautiful, pure and graceful queen.2 Carina The Scandinavian form of Katherine the name Karina that alternatively can be spelled Carina means, "pura uno". Kathrine has a long history involving mythology and Greek saints if you are looking for a name that has a certain history and tradition related to it. Carina's name with the K spelling made her appearance in the USA at the end of the 60s. The name has been popular since then, but has shown a decrease in the last 15 years. The name C spelling has not enjoyed the same popularity, however. The name Carina offers some versatility in the spelling, the C-K exchange and can also turn off the i for one and, giving it Caryna. The name Carina is lyric and melodious, the obvious choice for your little goddess.1 Brigitta This name comes from a Swedish origin. The name Brigitta is the Swedish version of the most common name Bridget. Coming from the name Bridget the name Brigitta has a meaning of, "strong or exalted one." While Bridget has gained popularity in the United States making it reach the top 1000, but only in the top 600 today, Scandinavian cousin Brigitta is less known. The name does not offer much in the way of spelling versatility however it does about nicknames if you are creative like, Brig or Gitta. The name Brigitta has a much more poetic and romantic sound than the Anglicized Bridget. If you are looking for a beautiful and romantic name that has a meaning of strength and praise Brigitta can be just the name you are looking for. References: , , , Popular Now trend now Read Next Between Parents More

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